Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji yuku to go
kanji kuni country
kanji hitoyasumi krátký odpočinek
kanji karate karate
kanji nochihodo later on, eventually, afterwards
kanji daishou (1)sizes (various), large and small, (2)daisho (matched pair of long and short swords), (3)large and small drums, (4)long months and short months
kanji ichinichijuu throughout the day
kanji go (num) five
kanji sukoshizutsu little by little
kanji ashimoto at one's feet, underfoot
kanji oyatsu snack
kanji chigireru to be torn off/to be torn to pieces/(P)
kanji tomaru to come to a halt
kanji otsukai (1)(pol) errand, mission, going as envoy, (2)(pol) messenger, bearer, errand boy, errand girl, (3)(pol) (hon) familiar spirit
kanji zenhan first half
kanji shitagaki rough copy, draft, draught
kanji shoujo girl
kanji tsukaikata way to use something, treatment, management (of help)
kanji sukoshi little, few, something
kanji mikka three days, the third day of the month
kanji takakutsuku to be expensive, to be costly
kanji suiyoubi Wednesday
kanji kyou today
kanji maitsuki every month, each month, monthly
kanji shimote spodní část, dolní část