Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
休める やすめる moci si odpočinout, nechat odpočinout, uklidnitichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
土足の どそくの obutýfuku, leda1
火山 かざん volcanoleda1, shizen
大切 たいせつ importantadj, jlpt5
日曜日 にちようび Sundayjlpt5, leda1, toki
水玉 みずたま kapka vodyleda1
十分 じゅっぷん 10 minutestoki
切り上げる きりあげる round upichidan, math, verb, vtrans
あと afterwards, since then, in the futurejlpt5, toki
〜夫人 ふじん (1)(hon) wife, Mrs, madam; (2)(hon) wife, Mrs, madam, (3)(arch) wife of a nobleman (aristocrat, etc.), (4)(arch) consort of the emperor; (n) (5)(arch) consort of the emperor mix
くに countryjlpt5, leda1
土曜日 どようび Saturdayjlpt5, toki
くち mouth, orifice, openinghito, jlpt5
早春 そうしゅん předjaříleda1, toki
あだ名 あだな nicknamesuru