Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji じょし girl, Ms.
kanji せっする (1)to come in contact with, to touch, to connect (with), (2)to attend (to), (3)to receive (visitors)
kanji よろこび joy/delight/rapture/pleasure/gratification/rejoicing/congratulations/felicitations/(P)
kanji かこう kráter
kanji てがかり (1)clue, key, trail, scent, track, contact, (2)handhold, on hand
kanji ライオンの子 lion cub
kanji ひと man, person, human being, mankind
kanji お げんき です か。 Máš se dobře?
kanji くらげ jellyfish
kanji なまごみ kitchen waste
kanji うむ to give birth, to deliver, to produce
kanji たち pluralizing suffix (esp. for people & animals; formerly honorific)
kanji だいがくせい university student
kanji おとな adult
kanji ははのひ Den matek
kanji おんなのひと woman
kanji てくび wrist
kanji child
kanji がんじつ; がんにち New Year's Day; New Year's Day
kanji おしゃべり な ひと ukecaný člověk
kanji うまれる to be born
kanji げんきな well
kanji みみもと za uchem, u ucha
kanji もくば (1)wooden horse/rocking horse/ (2)vaulting horse/horse used in gymnastics/ (3)the horse (ancient torture device that one was forced to straddle with rocks hanging from the feet)
kanji つき moon