Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
正月 しょうがつ new year’s dayjlpt4, toki
かい (1)(uk) Japanese babylon (species of shelled mollusk, Babylonia japonica), Japanese ivory shell, (2)(abbr) spinning top (traditionally made from a Japanese babylon shell)
二人 ふたり two persons, two people, pair, couplejlpt5
金山 きんざん (gold) mine; (gold) minemix
出かける でかける to depart, to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing), to set out, to startichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
見つける みつける (1)to discover, to find (e.g. an error in a book), to come across, to detect, to spot, (2)to locate, to find (e.g. something missing), to find fault, (3)to be used to seeing, to be familiar with ichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
うえ above, on top of, up, upper part, surfacejlpt5
入る はいる to enter, to join, to containgodan, jlpt5, verb
立ち上がる たちあがる (1)to stand up, to get up, (2)to rise, (3)to recover, (4)to take action, to start, (5)to make the initial charge (in sumo), (6)(comp) to start up, to boot up godan, verb, vintrans
足下 あしもと gait, step, underfootleda1
小石 こいし pebbleleda1, shizen
立ち入る たちいる vstupovat, vměšovat segodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
見学 けんがく field tripleda1, mix
よん fourjlpt5
エー足すビー足すシー エーたすビーたすシー A+B+Cmath
さん (num) threejlpt5, mix
本日 ほんじつ todayjlpt3, leda1, toki
五日 いつか five days, the fifth day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
生水 なまみず unboiled watermix
はやし woodleda1, shizen
たけ bambooleda1, shizen
下手 へた unskillful, poor, awkwardadj, jlpt5, leda1
夕べ ゆうべ večerleda1, toki
大きい おおきい big, large, greatadj, jlpt5
Vystoupat na horu.mix
円い まるい round, circular, sphericaladj, jlpt5
生ビール なまビール draft beerryouri
大小 だいしょう (1)sizes (various), large and small, (2)daisho (matched pair of long and short swords), (3)large and small drums, (4)long months and short months mix
中立 ちゅうりつ neutralitymix
左右 さゆう nalevo i napravoleda1