Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji すいりょく hydraulic power, water power
kanji こぶん ancient writing, classical literature; ancient writing, classical literature
kanji しまい sestry (starší a mladší)
kanji きもち feelings
kanji きれいずきな clean (person)
kanji とき čas, období
kanji ほこうしゃ pedestrian, walker
kanji あしくび ankle
kanji がんじつ; がんにち New Year's Day; New Year's Day
kanji たいして (not so) much, (not) very
kanji おとうとさん younger brother
kanji たりない (1)insufficient/not enough/lacking/ (2)dim-witted/slow/one brick short of a full load
kanji かいもの shopping
kanji はかる (1)to plot/to attempt/to plan/to devise/to design/ (2)to take in/to deceive/ (3)to aim for/to have something in mind/ (4)to refer A to B/(P)
kanji たまじゃくし ladle
kanji もの thing, object
kanji てん nebe, obloha
kanji はち eight
kanji かく to write
kanji せわになる to receive favor (favour), to be much obliged to someone, to be indebted
kanji せん 1,000, thousand
kanji けっき vigor/ardor/ardour/vigour
kanji でんわをきる to hang up the receiver (of a telephone)
kanji たてる to build
kanji くさき plants/vegetation/(P)