Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
路面 ろめん road surfacemix
I will beat you to death.baka, sensou
Zajíc předběhl želvu a běžel pořád dál.usagitokame
競る せる (1)to compete, (2)to bid, (3)to sell at auction godan, verb, vtrans
Míček byl trefen a okenní sklo se rozbilo.mix
間に合わせる まにあわせる (1)to make do, to manage (with something), to make shift, (2)to (make) get done on time ichidan, jlpt3, verb
東大 とうだい Tokyo Universitynamae
営業中 えいぎょうちゅう open (e.g. store)mise
Všichni, včetně mě, jeli autobusem.mix
付け加える つけくわえる to add one thing to anotherichidan, verb, vtrans
耳元 みみもと za uchem, u uchahito, leda1
あだ名 あだな nicknamesuru
みずうみ lakejlpt4, shizen
むかし old time, before, agojlpt4, toki
得意 とくい (1)triumph, prosperity, (2)pride, (3)one's strong point, one's forte, one's specialty, (4)frequent customer (client, etc.) mix