Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
百足 mukade stonožkadoubutsu, leda1
少な目 sukuname méně, trochu pod (úrovní)leda1
食らう kurau jíst, žrát (nespisovné, mužská japonština)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
kin goldkagaku
土曜日 dojoubi Saturdayjlpt5, toki
一見 ikken (1)look, glimpse, glance, (vs) (2)to glance, to glimpse, (3)(arch) first meeting, (adv) (4)apparently, seemingly suru
hi dayjlpt4, toki
iši stonejlpt4, kagaku, leda1, shizen
新たに aratani nověleda1
生肉 namaniku raw meat, fresh meatmix
雨水 amamizu rain waterleda1, shizen
ひれ足 hireaši flipperdoubutsu
aida a spacejlpt4, leda1, toki
多分 tabun nejspíš, zřejmě, snad, pravděpodobněleda1
上がる agaru to go up, to risejlpt4
生かす ikasu (1)to make (the best) use of, to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.), to capitalise on (experience, etc), (2)to let live, to keep alive, (3)to revive, to resuscitate godan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
前後 zengo (1)front and rear, front and back, before and behind, (2)before and after, (3)order, context, (4)consequences, (n,vs) (5)inversion, reversion, getting out of order, (6)co-occurring, (n-suf,n) (7 mix
今日 konniči dnešní den, v dnešní doběleda1, toki
生ビール namabi-ru draft beerryouri
門下生 monkasei žák, student, učedník (něčí)leda1
日本食 nihonšoku Japanese food, Japanese mealryouri
一日中、ゲームをしていた。 ičiničidžuu,ge-mu wo šiteita. I was playing games the whole day.mix
あの人が食べているのはなんですか。 ano hito ga tabeteiru no ha nan desuka. Co jí tamten člověk?ryouri
先生 sensei teacher, master, doctorgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
行き来 ikiki odchod a příchod, udržování kontaktůleda1
何でも聞いていいよ。 nandemo kiite ii jo. Zeptej se mě, na co chceš.mix
新た arata (1)new, fresh, novel, (adv) (2)newly, freshly, re- mix
山海 sankai mountains and seasshizen
お茶 oča tea (green)jlpt5, ryouri
大小 daišou (1)sizes (various), large and small, (2)daisho (matched pair of long and short swords), (3)large and small drums, (4)long months and short months mix