Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji hananoana nostril
kanji juusuru to own, to be endowed with
kanji kouši photon
kanji šičouson cities, towns and villages, municipalities
kanji tadašii right, correct
kanji kaikei account, finance, accountant, treasurer, paymaster, reckoning, bill
kanji toukjou Tokyo
kanji furaigaeši spatula
kanji komuši (1)small insect, midge, (2)vermicule
kanji širakumo white clouds; white clouds
kanji tooka ten days, the tenth day of the month
kanji jakkjoku pharmacy
kanji kandži Chinese characters
kanji getšoku zatmění Měsíce
kanji čikjuu Earth
kanji kemuši caterpillar(with hair)
kanji itšou celý život
kanji tegakari (1)clue, key, trail, scent, track, contact, (2)handhold, on hand
kanji toudaidži chrám Tódaidži (v Naře)
kanji jumija bow and arrow; bow and arrow
kanji tahata fields
kanji mousukoši dou desuka. Would you like a little more?
kanji hikou delinquency, misconduct
kanji šinrin les (rozsáhlejší)
kanji fučuuina nedbalý, nepozorný