Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
音読 ondoku reading aloudleda1
強める tsuyomeru to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasiseichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
同意味 douimi same meaningmix
欠ける kakeru (1)to be chipped/to be damaged/to be broken/ (2)to be lacking/to be missing/ (3)to be insufficient/to be short/to be deficient/to be negligent toward/ (4)(of the moon) to wane/to go into eclipse/(P) ichidan, verb, vintrans
首都 shuto capital city/metropolis/(P)adj, leda1
反動 handou reaction/recoil/kick/backlash/(P)leda1
予知 yochi foresight/foreknowledge/intimation/premonition/prediction/(P)leda1, suru
東京 toukyou Tokyoleda1, namae
仏心 hotokegokoro charityleda1
久マンバチ kumanbachi bumblebeedoubutsu