Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
人里 hitozato human habitationleda1
色々 iroiro (1)various, (2)(arch) various colors (colours) mix
saki hrot, špička, budoucnostleda1
温度を上げる。 ondo wo ageru. Zvýšit teplotu.mix
老け役 fukeyaku (theatrical) role of old personmix
目上 meue superior/superiors/senior/(P)jlpt3, jlpt3
hoka other place, the restjlpt5
変態 hentai (1)transformation/metamorphosis/ (2)abnormality/pervert/(P) adj, suru
農産物 nousanbutsu agricultural producemix
議員 giin member of the Diet, congress or parliamentseiji
第二次世界大戦 dainijisekaitaisen World War IImix
航空機 koukuuki aircraft, aeroplane, airplanemix
kata shoulderhito
学ぶ manabu učit segakkou, godan, leda1, verb
ki tree, woodjlpt5, shokubutsu
最近 saikin recentlyjlpt4, leda1, toki
死活 shikatsu life and-or deathleda1, suru
無我夢中になった mugamuchuuninatta ecstaticadj, emo
助ける tasukeru to help/to save/to rescue/to give relief to/to spare (life)/to reinforce/to promote/to abet/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
三角形の sankakkeino triangularadj, math
ya arrowleda1, sensou
以下 ika ~ or less than,not more thanjlpt4, leda1
間に合わせる maniawaseru (1)to make do, to manage (with something), to make shift, (2)to (make) get done on time ichidan, jlpt3, verb
習う narau to learngodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
都会 tokai city/(P)adj, leda1
世界 sekai worldjlpt4, shizen
一里 ichiri 2.44 milesleda1
不屈 fukutsu persistence, fortitude, indomitabilitymix
放送局 housoukyoku broadcasting officemix