Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

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舞姫 まいひめ female dancer, danseuse; female dancer, danseusemix
にわ gardenjlpt5, uchi
無くす なくす to lose something, to get rid ofgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
振る舞う ふるまう (1)to behave, to conduct oneself, (2)to entertain, to treat someone (to a drink), to make tea for someone (tea ceremony) godan, verb, vtrans
別れ わかれ parting/separation/farewell/(lateral) branch/fork/offshoot/division/section/(P)jlpt3
緒戦 しょせん beginning of hostilities, beginning of competition; beginning of hostilities, beginning of competitionsensou
満面 まんめん (the) whole facemix
船員 せんいん sailorshigoto
摘発 てきはつ exposing, unmasking, laying baresuru
経済学 けいざいがく economicsmix
注意する ちゅういする advise, pay attentionjlpt4, suru, verb
さん (1)(giving) birth, childbirth, delivery, confinement, (n,n-suf) (2)native of, product of, (3)assets, property, fortune mix
成る なる (1)(uk) to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to attain, (2)to result in, to prove to be, (3)to consist of, to be composed of, (4)to succeed, to be complete, (5)to change into, to be excha godan, verb, vintrans
実用品 じつようひん daily or domestic articlesleda1
一人暮らし ひとりぐらし a single life, a solitary life, living alonemix
次点 じてん runner-up/(P)leda1
置き場 おきば place for something, storehousemix
共働き ともばたらき (husband and wife) both working, dual incomemix
一方で いっぽうで on the other handmix
値上がり ねあがり price advance, increase in valuejlpt3
大切(な) たいせつ(な) important/valuable/worthy of care/(P)adj, leda1
倒す たおす (1)to throw down, to bring down, to blow down, to fell, to knock down, (2)to kill, to defeat, to beat, (3)to overthrow, to trip up, to ruin, (4)to leave unpaid, to cheat godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
案内する あんないする to guidejlpt4, suru, verb
返信 へんしん replysuru
練る ねる (1)to knead, to work over, (2)to polish up (e.g. a plan), (3)to drill, to train godan, verb, vtrans
頭がいい あたまがいい cleveradj
誘致 ゆうち attraction, lure, invitationsuru
比較的 ひかくてき comparative, relativemix
不便 ふべん inconvenientadj, jlpt4