Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
努める tsutomeru to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligentichidan, verb, vtrans
seki seatjlpt4, ryokou
会議 kaigi meetinggakkou, jlpt4, shigoto
洋品 youhin Western-style apparel and accessories/haberdasheryleda1
行間 gyoukan line-spacing in text, between the linesmix
あそこの角を曲がりなさい。 asokonokado wo magari nasai. Na támhletom rohu zahni.mix
段位 dan'i dan, grade (of black belt)mix
え段 edan (ling) 'e' rowbunpou
消防士 shouboushi firefightershigoto
弱い yowai weakadj, jlpt5
進出 shinshutsu advance, step forwardsuru
気息 kisoku breathing, breathmix
建て tate (1)indicates storeys, structures, or materials used in a building, (2)indicates denomination (after a currency) mix
問う tou (1)to ask/to question/to inquire/ (2)to charge (i.e. with a crime)/to accuse/ (3)to care (about)/ (4)without regard to (with negative verb)/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
~人 ~nin ~person, counter for peoplecounter, jlpt5
oku (num) 100,000,000, hundred millionjlpt4
思い出す omoidasu to recall, to remembergodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
失明 shitsumei loss of eyesightsuru
送料 souryou postage, carriagemix
発表 happyou presentationmath
三味線 shamisen three-stringed Japanese guitar, shamisenongaku
秋分 shuubun podzimní rovnodennostleda1, toki
~度 ~do times, degrees (temperature)jlpt5
もう結構です。 mou kekkou desu. To už stačí.mix
真っ赤 makka sytě červený, karmínovýiro, leda1
日誌 nisshi journal, logmix
取り組む torikumu to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come to grips with/to make effort/to strive for/to deal with/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
kata shoulderhito
辞表 jihyou resignation (letter)shigoto
出来るだけ dekirudake (uk) as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possiblemix