Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji わたし I (informal)
kanji へいせい な klidný, pokojný
kanji とうさん (corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency, commercial failure, failed business
kanji あまる to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many
kanji むける to turn towards/to point/(P)
kanji メニュー を おねがいします。 Menu, prosím.
kanji ふるさと home town/birthplace/old village/historic village/native place/one's old home/(P)
kanji なまえ name
kanji まじめ な one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; (adj-na,n) diligent, serious, honest, sober, grave,
kanji たいかい withdrawal from a group
kanji かんき ventilation
kanji つぎ (1)next/following/subsequent/ (2)stage/station/(P)
kanji ふまんな dissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaints, unhappiness, disgruntled
kanji じんるい mankind, humantity
kanji にじげん two dimensions
kanji しせき historical landmark
kanji れい (1)custom, practice, habit, usual, (2)instance, example, case, illustration, usage, (3)precedent; (4)custom, practice, habit, usual, (5)said, aforementioned, (6)instance, example, case, illustra
kanji けっか results
kanji きこうぶん traveller's journal, traveler's journal
kanji かく (1)to draw, to paint, to sketch, (2)to depict, to describe; (3)to draw, to paint, to sketch
kanji しんじる to believe, to believe in, to place trust in, to confide in, to have faith in
kanji うんどうじょう school playground
kanji ろんそう controversy, dispute
kanji ちかづく (1)to approach, to draw near, to get close, (2)to get acquainted with, to get closer to, to get to know
kanji かいぎょうい private clinician, physician in private practice