Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ~ka the family
kanji uchiki(na) bashfulness/shyness/reserve/timidity/(P)
kanji surechigau to pass by one another, to disagree, to miss each other
kanji takara treasure
kanji kaigi meeting
kanji shiteki pointing out, identification
kanji kayou to commute
kanji daichi náhorní plošina, rovina
kanji higure twilight, sunset, dusk, evening
kanji ~sai years old
kanji riyuu reason
kanji shiten branch office
kanji kekkon shiteimasuka. Are you married?
kanji tate (1)indicates storeys, structures, or materials used in a building, (2)indicates denomination (after a currency)
kanji daiji important
kanji arieru possible/likely/probable; possible/likely/probable
kanji nemuru to sleep
kanji shuukai meeting, assembly, gathering, congregation, convention, rally
kanji haigo (1)back, rear, (2)background, behind the scenes
kanji tenrankai exhibition
kanji tsuukoudome uzavřená cesta, dopravní uzavírka
kanji touei projection
kanji minamoto source, origin; source, origin
kanji ukemi (1)the defensive, (2)passive attitude, passivity, passiveness, (3)(ling) the passive, passive voice, (4)(MA) ukemi (the art of falling safely)
kanji kaze ga tsuyoi desu. It's windy