Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
現す あらわす (1)to reveal, to show, to display, (2)to express, (3)to represent, to signify, to stand for, (4)to make widely known godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
家事 かじ (1)housework, domestic chores, (2)family affairs, household matters mix
~局 きょく one game (checkers, etc.)counter
受付 うけつけ receptionjlpt4
作者 さくしゃ author, authoressjlpt3, leda1, shigoto
致す いたす (humble) to dojlpt4
実行する じっこうする vykonat, provéstleda1, suru, verb
市中 しちゅう in the citymix
むかし old time, before, agojlpt4, toki
すべ way, method, meansmix
行動 こうどう chování, jednáníleda1
机辺 きへん near a deskmix
便利な べんりな usefuladj
支配 しはい rule, control, directionsuru
応用数学 おうようすうがく (math) applied mathematicsmath