Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
交換 koukan exchange, interchange, switching, reciprocity, barter, substitution, replacement, clearing (of checks, cheques)jlpt3, suru
周到 shuutou scrupulous, meticulous, carefulmix
集まる atsumaru to gathergodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
頭痛薬 zutsuuyaku léky na bolest hlavymix
雪が降っています。 yuki ga futteimasu. It's snowing. tenki
受ける ukeru to take a lesson or testichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
公園 kouen park (public)jlpt5, leda1
位する kuraisuru to rank, to be ranked, to be locatedsuru
左折 sasetsu odbočení dolevaleda1
続々 zokuzoku successively, one after anothermix
職場 shokuba one's post, place of work, workplacemix
忙しい isogashii busy, irritatedadj, jlpt5
祈り求める inorimotomeru to pray forichidan, verb
意気 iki spirit, heart, dispositionmix
kimi youjlpt4