Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ほん book, main
kanji (num) four
kanji にっぽん Japan
kanji ちいちゃい small (babytalk form)
kanji ~ご language
kanji わたし I (informal)
kanji しち (num) seven
kanji ひとつ one
kanji タメご casual language
kanji みっか three days, the third day of the month
kanji よっか fourth day of the month, four days
kanji とおか ten days, the tenth day of the month
kanji ここのか nine days, the ninth day (of the month)
kanji クルミのき walnut
kanji day
kanji いつつ five
kanji すきなように as you want, as you will
kanji わたくし I (formal), myself, private affairs
kanji みっつ three
kanji しちごさん Šičigosan (svátek tří-, pěti- a sedmiletých dětí)
kanji なのか seven days, the seventh day of the month
kanji こうご (1)spoken language, (2)literary style based on (modern) spoken language
kanji このみ liking, taste, choice
kanji じゅう (num) 10, ten
kanji さん (num) three