Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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今夜 kon'ya tonightjlpt4, leda1, toki
今晩 konban tonight, this eveningjlpt5, toki
余計 yokei too much, unnecessary, extraneous, abundance, surplus, excess, superfluitymix
道具 dougu tooljlpt4, leda1
用具 yougu tools, implementsmix
ha toothhito, jlpt5
虫歯 mushiba tooth decaybyouki
歯痛 haita toothachebyouki
歯ブラシ haburashi toothbrushuchi
頂点 chouten top, summitmix
話題 wadai topic, subjectmix
全自動 zenjidou totally automaticmix
鳥取県 tottoriken Tottori prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
大変な taihen na tough, awfuladj, jlpt3
に対して nitaishite towards, against, regarding, in contrast withmix
machi town,cityjlpt5
都市 toshi town/city/municipal/urban/(P)adj, jlpt3, leda1
番線 bansen track numberryokou
商品名 shouhinmei trade (brand) namemix
商売 shoubai trade, business, commerce, transaction, occupationjlpt3, suru
売買 baibai trade, buying and sellingsuru
言い伝え iitsutae tradition, legendmix
伝説 densetsu tradition, legend, folkloremix
交通 koutsuu trafficjlpt4
信号 shingou traffic lights/signal/semaphore/(P)leda1, suru
信号機 shingouki traffic signaldenki
通過駅 tsuukaeki train-doesn't-stop stationryokou
調教 choukyou training (animals), breaking (animals)suru
取引 torihiki transactions, dealings, businesssuru
乗り換え norikae transfer (trains, buses, etc.), connection, connexionjlpt3, ryokou
譲渡 jouto transfer, assignment, conveyancesuru
変形 henkei transformation, variation, metamorphosis, modification, deformation, variety, deformity, monstersuru
過渡期 katoki transition periodmix
送信 soushin transmission, sendingsuru
交通機関 koutsuukikan transportation facilitiesmix
旅行会社 ryokougaisha travel agent, travel agencyryokou
旅費 ryohi travel expensesmix
旅行 ryokou travel, tripjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
tabi travel, trip, journey; 500-man battalion (Zhou-dynasty Chinese army)suru
紀行文 kikoubun traveller's journal, traveler's journalryokou
takara treasuremix
宝物 takaramono treasure, treasured itemmix
木の葉 konoha tree leafleda1, shizen
ki tree, woodjlpt5, shokubutsu
動向 doukou trend/tendency/movement/attitude/(P)leda1
三角形 sankakkei trianglemath
三角形の sankakkeino triangularadj, math
支流 shiryuu tributary, branchmix
三角関数 sankakukansuu trigonometric functionmath
船旅 funatabi trip by boatmix
北回帰線 kitakaikisen tropic of cancershizen
南回帰線 minamikaikisen tropic of capricornshizen
面倒 mendou trouble/difficulty/care/attention/(P)jlpt3
面倒な mendouna troublesomejlpt3
実態 jittai true state, actual condition, realitymix
実話 jitsuwa true storymix
実説 jissetsu true storymix
真の shinno true, real, genuine, proper, uttermix
本当 honto truthmix
本当 hontou truth, realityleda1
真実 shinjitsu truth, reality; truth, reality; truth, realitymix
月夜見の尊 tsukuyominomikoto Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, god of the moonkami
火曜日 kayoubi Tuesdayjlpt5, toki
学費 gakuhi tuition, school expensesmix
一曲 ikkyoku tune (melody, piece of music)ongaku
kyoku (1)(uk) long segment of a noh play forming its musical highlight, (n-pref) (2)wrong, improper, indecent; (3)corner, nook, recess, (4)a shadow, a shade; (arch) wickedness, evi ongaku
音調 onchou tune, tone, intonation, melody, rhythm, harmonymix
七面鳥 shichimenchou turkeydoubutsu
テレビを点ける terebi wo tsuke ru Turn on the TVmix
倒置 touchi turning upside down, placing nonessentials before essentialssuru
水色 mizuiro turquoiseiro, leda1
二十日 hatsuka twenty days, twentieth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
再度 saido twice, again, second timemix
日暮れ higure twilight, sunset, dusk, eveningmix
二つ futatsu twojlpt5
翌々日 yokuyokujitsu two days later, next day but onemix
二次元 nijigen two dimensionsmath
二人 futari two persons, two people, pair, couplejlpt5
二階建て nikaidate two storiedjlpt4
台風 taifuu typhoonjlpt4, tenki
へその緒 hesonoo umbilical cordhito
国連 kokuren UN, United Nationsmix
格好の悪い kakkounowarui unattractive, ugly, unstylish, uncooladj
格好悪い kakkouwarui unattractive, ugly, unstylish, uncooladj
生水 namamizu unboiled watermix
軒下 nokishita under the overhang of a Japanese roofuchi
shita under, belowjlpt5
地下鉄 chikatetsu underground trainjlpt5, ryokou
地下水 chikasui underground water/(P)shizen
会得 etoku understanding, comprehension, grasp, perception, appreciation, mastery (of an art or skill)suru
下着 shitagi underwearfuku, jlpt4, leda1
意外 igai unexpectedmix
意外な igai na unexpected, surprisingjlpt3
図らずも hakarazumo unexpectedlymix
案外 angai unexpectedlyjlpt3
言外 gengai unexpressed, implied, implicitmix
不幸 fukou unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, deathmix
制服 seifuku uniformjlpt3, shigoto
大学 daigaku universitygakkou, jlpt5, leda1
総合大学 sougoudaigaku universitymix
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