Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
天気図 tenkizu weather mapleda1
無色 mushoku colourless, colorless, achromaticiro
戻る modoru to returngodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
再び futatabi again, once more, a second timemix
定刻 teikoku appointed time, timetable, schedulemix
風雨 fuuu wind and rain/(P)leda1
室内 shitsunai indoor/inside the room/(P)adj, leda1
少年は体不自由な人に席を譲った。 shounen ha karada fujiyuu na hito ni seki wo yuzutta. Mladík uvolnil (přenechal) sedadlo handicapovanému člověku.mix
幸先 saisaki omen, sign (usually good)mix
薬屋 kusuriya pharmacy, chemist, drug storemise
自分 jibun myself, oneselfjlpt5, leda1
会う au to meet, to interviewgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
受動態 judoutai (ling) passive voicemix
落とす otosu to drop, to let fallgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
大して taishite (not so) much, (not) verymix
集る atsumaru to gathergodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
平気な heikina coolness, calmness, composure, unconcernadj, emo, jlpt3
主に omoni mainly, primarilymix
百点 hyakuten hundred points/perfect markleda1
水牛 suigyuu buffalodoubutsu
交際 kousai company, friendship, association, society, acquaintancesuru
行政 gyousei administrationseiji
置換 chikan (1)substitution, replacement, (2)permutation suru
参考書 sankousho příručkaleda1
物理法則 butsurihousoku physical law, laws of physicsmix
大人 otona adultjlpt5, leda1
反発 hanpatsu (1)to repel/to oppose/to revolt/to react sharply (against)/(n) (2)opposition/rebellion/resistance/backlash/ (3)rally/recovery (e.g. in stock prices)/rebound/(vs) (4)to rally/to recover/to rebound/( leda1, suru
一昨年 ototoshi year before lastjlpt5, toki
マーケティング部 ma-keteィngubu marketing departmentshigoto
子午線 shigosen the meridianmix