Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji nandodemo any number of times
kanji mane mimicry, imitation, behavior, behaviour, pretense, pretence
kanji džuččuu a trick
kanji ringjou forestry
kanji kenzen health, soundness, wholesome
kanji angou code/password/cipher/(P)
kanji ateru narazit (něčím)
kanji šusseki attend
kanji happun 8 minutes
kanji katame one eye; (uk) (sens) blindness in one eye, having one eye much bigger than the other, someone blind in one eye, someone with one eye much bigger than the other
kanji čikaku near, neighbourhood
kanji cukue wo migigawa ni josete kudasai to sensei ni iwaremašita. Srovnejte ty stoly napravo, řekl učitel.
kanji mitasu (1)to satisfy, to fulfill, to appease, (2)to fill (e.g. a cup), to pack, (3)to reach (a certain number)
kanji ten point, mark, grade
kanji onpa sound wave
kanji bogo mother tongue, native language
kanji kjoudaišimai brothers and sisters, siblings
kanji kahanšin dolní polovina
kanji šikaku qualifications, requirements, capabilities
kanji nindžin carrots
kanji hana flower
kanji ten nebe, obloha
kanji doubucuen zoo
kanji bai double, two times
kanji saraišuu the week after next