Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
円形の enkeino kruhovýadj, leda1
yubi fingerhito, jlpt4
古新聞 furushinbun staré novinyleda1
反り身 sorimi strutting/sticking out the chestleda1
線状 senjou linearmix
年代 nendai období, generace, věkleda1, toki
新車 shinsha new carmix
北回帰線 kitakaikisen tropic of cancershizen
一回り hitomawari (1)one turn, one round, (2)(a) size, (vs) (3)to go around, to make a circuit, to take a turn mix
消毒 shoudoku disinfection, sterilization, sterilisationsuru
増やす fuyasu to increase, to add to, to augmentgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
学者 gakusha scholar/(P)adj, leda1
行動 koudou chování, jednáníleda1
法則 housoku law, rulemix
引退 intai retiresuru