Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
十日 tooka ten days, the tenth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
kin goldkagaku
小さい chiisai small, littleadj, jlpt5
ima now, soon, immediatelyjlpt5, toki
下らない kudaranai (uk) good-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthlessadj
中々 nakanaka considerablyjlpt4
テレビを一日中見ないほうがいいです。 terebi wo ichinichijuu minai hougaii desu. Neměl bys koukat celý den na televizi.mix
二日 futsuka second day of the month, two daysjlpt5, toki
見る miru to see, to watchichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
小ちゃい chiichai small (babytalk form)adj
大きな ookina big, largeadj, jlpt4
どの人 dono hito který člověkmix
sen 1,000, thousandjlpt5
行き来 ikiki odchod a příchod, udržování kontaktůleda1
今や imaya nowtoki
八日 youka eight days, the eighth (day of the month)jlpt5, toki
今日 kyou todayjlpt5, leda1, toki
hito man, person, human being, mankindhito, jlpt5
休み yasumi rest, recess, respite, vacation, holiday, absence, suspensionjlpt5
七日 nanoka seven days, the seventh day of the monthjlpt5, toki
juu (num) 10, tenjlpt5
一日 ichinichi whole dayjlpt5, leda1, toki
四日 yokka fourth day of the month, four daysjlpt5, toki
ue above, on top of, up, upper part, surfacejlpt5
大ヒット daihitto big hit, popular item (e.g. movie, music)ongaku
来月 raigetsu next monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
onaji; onajiku; kurikaeshi; dounojiten; noma množné číslo (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (jen výjmečně)
shichi (num) sevenjlpt5
プラハまでどうやって来ましたか? puraha made douyatte kimashitaka? Jak (čím) jste přijel do Prahy?ryokou
上人 shounin buddhistický svatýkami, leda1