Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
筆者 hitša writer (often in self-reference), authormix
秋風 akikaze podzimní vítrleda1, shizen
明後年 mjougonen year after nextjlpt3, toki
元首 genšu ruler/sovereign/(P)leda1
子犬 koinu puppydoubutsu, leda1
経済 keizai economics, business, finance, economyjlpt4
良好 rjoukou favorable, favourable, satisfactorymix
清々しい sugasugašii (uk) fresh, refreshingadj
何度やり直しても計算が合わない。 nando jari naošite mo keisan ga awanai. Ať to počítám znovu a znovu, výpočet mi nevychází.mix
情報 džouhou (1)news/gossip/(military) intelligence/ (2)information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.)/(P) jlpt3, mix
ten point, mark, gradejlpt4, leda1, math
共に tomoni sharing with, participate in, both, alike, together, along with, with, includingsuru
先輩 senpai one’s seniorjlpt3, jlpt4
資源 šigen resourcesjlpt3
水曜日 suijoubi Wednesdayjlpt5, toki