Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
朝ご飯 あさごはん breakfastjlpt5, ryouri
落とす おとす to drop, to let fallgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
階級 かいきゅう class, rank, grademix
(1)feelings, thoughts, (2)meaning mix
才能 さいのう ability, talentleda1
利息 りそく interest (bank)mix
仏滅 ぶつめつ (1)Buddha's death, (2)very unlucky day (according to old almanacs) mix
野生 やせい (1)wild, growing wild, (pn) (2)(arch) (male) I suru
上等 じょうとう prvotřídníleda1
先(に) さき(に) předem, napředleda1