Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji yousuruni in a word, after all, the point is ..., in short ...
kanji hiniku cynicism, sarcasm, irony, satire
kanji kokusai international
kanji kono hito ha wakaku te, harajuku no fuァsshon ga daisuki desu. Je mladá a má ráda módu z Haradžuku.
kanji ofunematsuri Boat Festival
kanji tokubetsu na výjimečný, zvláštní
kanji kakugo (ling) object
kanji watasu to pass over, to hand over
kanji jikanwari timetable, schedule
kanji teniireru to obtain, to procure
kanji ronkyaku controversialist
kanji amaterasuoomikami Amaterasu oomikami, goddess of the sun
kanji sukuname méně, trochu pod (úrovní)
kanji sandou approval, endorsement
kanji mezashi (1)aim, goal, purpose, (2)look, eyes, expression of eyes
kanji mainen every year, yearly, annually
kanji nekonikoban (to cast) pearls before swine, really big waste of resources
kanji asa kara yuki ga futteiru. Od rána sněží.
kanji kamikaze kamikaze
kanji rusubandenwa answering machine, answer phone
kanji saigen limits, end, bounds
kanji imanimo at any time/soon/(P)
kanji terebibangumi television program, tv program
kanji tookukara from a distance
kanji watashi ha mainichi taberu asagohan ha ra-men desu. Snídaně, kterou každý den jím, je rámen.