Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kaku (n,n-suf) picture, drawing, painting, sketch; stroke (of a kanji, etc.); picture, drawing, painting, sketchcounter
出し dashi (1)(uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp), (2)pretext, excuse, pretense (pretence), dupe, front man ryouri
中々 nakanaka considerablyjlpt4
上人 shounin buddhistický svatýkami, leda1
どんな人 donna hito jaký člověkmix
kuchi mouth, orifice, openinghito, jlpt5
女っぽい onnappoi womanly, feminine, womanish, effeminateadj
五つ itsutsu fivejlpt5
chikara strength, powerjlpt4, leda1
~人 ~nin ~person, counter for peoplecounter, jlpt5
下げる sageru to hang, to let downichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
大男 oootoko velký muž, obrhito, leda1
入学する nyuugakusuru to enter school or universityjlpt4, suru, verb
三つ mittsu threejlpt5
上る noboru (1)to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised, (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in, (3)to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade, (4)to get out (of water), t godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
中出し nakadashi intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculationai, suru
ichi onejlpt5
おしゃべりな人 oshaberi na hito ukecaný člověkmix
入り口 iriguchi vchod, vjezdleda1
大ヒット daihitto big hit, popular item (e.g. movie, music)ongaku
hito man, person, human being, mankindhito, jlpt5
女子 joshi girl, Ms.hito, leda1
立ち上がる tachiagaru (1)to stand up, to get up, (2)to rise, (3)to recover, (4)to take action, to start, (5)to make the initial charge (in sumo), (6)(comp) to start up, to boot up godan, verb, vintrans
一口 hitokuchi (1)mouthful, bite, sip, draft, draught, (2)one word mix
下りる oriru to come downichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
一人 hitori one personjlpt5
学ぶ manabu učit segakkou, godan, leda1, verb
出入口 deiriguchi exit and entranceryokou
小川 ogawa brookleda1, shizen
一日中 ichinichijuu throughout the daytoki