Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
či bloodhito, jlpt4, leda1
一日中、ゲームをしていた。 ičiničidžuu,ge-mu wo šiteita. I was playing games the whole day.mix
見せる miseru to showichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
天神 tendžin (1)heavenly god/heavenly gods/ (2)spirit of Sugawara no Michizane/ (3)Tenmangu shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit)/ (4)(col) pit of a dried plum/dried plum/ (5)(abbr) tenjin hairstyle/ (6)prosti leda1
七夕 tanabata svátek Tanabataleda1, namae
下りる oriru to come downichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
学力 gakurjoku scholarship, knowledge, literary abilitymix
子音 šiin (ling) consonantbunpou
上下 džouge nahoře a doleleda1
日中 niččuu den, během dneleda1, toki