Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
hira rovinaleda1
次女 jijo second daughter/(P)leda1
国字 kokuji (1)country's official writing system, native script, (2)kana, (3)kanji that originated in Japan (as opposed to China) bunpou
母子 boshi matka a dítěhito, leda1
雨雲 amagumo rain cloud leda1, shizen, tenki
見なくてもいいです。 minakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš se (na to) koukat.mix
進行 shinkou advance, progresssuru
港口 koukou harbor entrance, harbour entrancemix
用具 yougu tools, implementsmix
日本画 nihonga Japanese paintingmix
チェコ鉄道 cheko tetsudou Czech Railwaysnamae
金曜日 kin'youbi Fridayjlpt5, toki
遠方 enpou long way, distant place; long way, distant placemix
店とショッピング mise to shoppingu shops and shoppingmise
教わる osowaru to be taughtgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
黒字 kuroji balance (figure) in the black
紙幣 shihei paper money, notes, billsmix
三日月 mikaduki new moon, crescent moonleda1, shizen
チェコ人が朝から夜まで飲むビールです。 chekojin ga asa kara yoru made nomu bi-ru desu. To je pivo, které Češi pijí od rána do večera.mix
部屋は洋室です。 heya ha youshitsu desu. Pokoj je v západním stylu.heya
原作 gensaku original work/(P)adj, leda1
魚屋 sakanaya prodejna rybleda1, mise
試みる kokoromiru to try, to testichidan, verb, vtrans
部屋代 heyadai room rentjlpt3, uchi
和服 wafuku Japanese clothesmix
車内 shanai inside a carriagemix
食前 shokuzen před jídlemleda1, ryouri
閉会 heikai closure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.)suru
丸で marude (uk) quite, entirely, completely, at all, as if, as though, so to speak, just likejlpt3
表われる arawareru (1)to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise, (2)to be expressed (e.g. emotions), to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans