Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
表記 hyouki writing (something), giving an address, declaration, inscribing on the face of, publishing (info), listing (prices), addressing (a package)suru
太平洋 taiheiyou Pacific Oceanmix
入学する nyuugakusuru to enter school or universityjlpt4, suru, verb
記す shirusu to write down, to note, to remembergodan, verb
人波 hitonami surging crowd, wave of humanity, stampedemix
真っ赤 makka sytě červený, karmínovýiro, leda1
空間 kuukan spaceleda1, math
期待 kitai expectation, anticipation, hopemix
多神教 tashinkyou polytheismmix
急に kyuuni (1)swiftly, rapidly, (2)suddenly, abruptly, immediately jlpt3, mix
弟さん otoutosan younger brotherkazoku
洋食 youshoku Western-style mealmix
市場 ichiba trh, tržiště, tržnice (místo)leda1
食べ物 tabemono foodjlpt5, ryouri
黒星 kuroboshi (1)black spot/black dot/bull's-eye/ (2)failure mark (sumo)/(P) leda1