Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
神父 šinpu kněz, otec, paterkami, leda1
明らか akiraka obvious, evident, clear, plainmix
外科 geka surgical departmentbyouki
洋風 joufuu western stylemix
kakari official, duty, person in chargemix
明後年 mjougonen year after nextjlpt3, toki
放り出す houridasu to throw out, to fire, to expel, to give up, to abandon, to neglectgodan, verb, vtrans
都立の toricuno metropolitan (i.e. established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government)/(P)adj, leda1
前のように mae nouni as beforemix
出発する šuppacusuru to departjlpt4, suru, verb