Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
エー足す1はビー e-tasu1habi- A+1=Bmath
天ぷら tenpura tenpuraleda1, namae, ryouri
外れる hazureru odchýlit se, rozepnout se, vysmeknout seichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
太もも futomomo thighhito
話し声 hanašigoe hlas (hovořící)leda1
七五三 šičigosan Šičigosan (svátek tří-, pěti- a sedmiletých dětí)leda1, namae
休む jasumu to rest, to be finished, to retiregodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
市中 šičuu in the citymix
中国 čuugoku chinanamae
大の字に dainodžini sprawled, spread-eagled, in the shape of the "dai" kanjimix
土地 toči pozemek, země, půdaleda1, shizen
羽毛 umou feathers/plumage/down/(P)leda1
遠回り toomawari detour/roundabout wayleda1
一日中、ゲームをしていた。 ičiničidžuu,ge-mu wo šiteita. I was playing games the whole day.mix
エー足す1エコールビー e-tasu1eko-rubi- A+1=Bmath