Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji せっせん tangent (in trigonometry)
kanji ひゃくえん ぐらい しか もちあわせ が ない。 Mám jen něco kolem 100 jenů.
kanji しちょうそん cities, towns and villages, municipalities
kanji すまい dwelling, house, residence, address
kanji さゆう nalevo i napravo
kanji たなか Tanaka
kanji いちばん best, first
kanji あいきどう (MA) aikido
kanji のぼる (1)to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised, (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in, (3)to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade, (4)to get out (of water), t
kanji ししょく sampling food
kanji めした subordinate, subordinates, inferior, inferiors, junior; at present, now
kanji あめ が ふっています。 It's raining.
kanji ばん (1)number (in a series), (2)(one's) turn, (3)watch, guard, lookout, (4)bout, match (sumo)
kanji ふつか second day of the month, two days
kanji あるく to walk
kanji よむ to read
kanji てんぶとけい astronomical clock
kanji だんじょ man and woman, men and women
kanji きんじょ の ひと は なんて いう か き に なる? Děláš si starosti, co řeknou sousedi?
kanji だいいち first/foremost/number one/(P)
kanji だいさんしゃ third party/third person/outsider/disinterested person/(P)
kanji うみだす (1)to create, to bring forth, to produce, (2)to invent, to think up and bring into being, (3)to give birth to, to bear
kanji はたらきもの hard worker, hardworking person
kanji りゅうねん repeating the same class (school), staying more than two years in the same class
kanji つく to arrive at, to reach