Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
出走 šussou start, začátek závoduleda1, sport
足元 ašimoto at one's feet, underfootmix
空間 kuukan spaceleda1, math
考古学 koukogaku archaeology, archeologymix
再現 saigen reappearance, reproduction, return, revivalsuru
得意 tokui (1)triumph, prosperity, (2)pride, (3)one's strong point, one's forte, one's specialty, (4)frequent customer (client, etc.) mix
北朝鮮 kitačousen North Koreamix
失明 šicumei loss of eyesightsuru
気象学 kišougaku meteorologytenki
唱える tonaeru (1)to recite, to chant, (2)to cry, to yell, to shout, (3)to advocate, to advance, to preach, to insist ichidan, verb, vtrans
木質化 mokušicuka lignificationsuru
起す okosu to wakegodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
軟弱な nandžakuna slabý, chabý, mdlýmix
提督 teitoku admiral, commodoremix
叫ぶ sakebu to shout, to crygodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
直に džikani (uk) directly, in person, headlong; immediately, readily, directlymix
moto původ, zdroj, počátekleda1
課外活動 kagaikacudou extracurricular activitiesleda1
石炭 sekitan coalkagaku
hobo (uk) almost, roughly, approximatelymix
木村さんは私に地図を書いてくれました。 kimura san ha wataši ni čizu wo kaite kuremašita. Pan Kimura mi nakreslil mapu.mix
捨てる suteru to throwichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
好きなように sukinajouni as you want, as you willmix
貯金箱 čokinbako savings box, bankmix
三角形の sankakkeino triangularadj, math
今年 kotoši this yearjlpt5, toki
お段 odan (ling) 'o' rowbunpou
持つ mocu hold, carry, possessjlpt5
意向 ikou intention/idea/inclination/(P)leda1