Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
来月 らいげつ next monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
写る うつる to be photographed, to be projectedgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
V práci jsem vzhůru celou noc.mix
初夏 しょか časné létoleda1, toki
毎日 まいにち every dayjlpt5, leda1, toki
観察 かんさつ observation, surveysuru
客語 かくご (ling) objectbunpou
恋愛 れんあい love/love-making/passion/emotion/affections/(P)ai, jlpt3, suru
話し声 はなしごえ hlas (hovořící)leda1
自身 じしん sám (osobně)leda1
張る はる (1)to stick, to paste, to affix, to link (e.g. in WWW forums), (2)to stretch, to spread, to strain, to tighten, (3)to form (e.g. ice on a pond), (4)to fill, to swell, (5)to stick out, to put, to godan, jlpt3, verb
きり fogtenki
急行 きゅうこう express trainjlpt4, leda1, ryokou
緑玉石 りょくぎょくせき emeraldkagaku
不勉強 ふべんきょう idleness, lack of application, lazy study habitsgakkou