Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
雪の吹きだまり yukinofukidamari snowdrifttenki
温泉の水は体によくて、40度ぐらいです。 onsen no mizu ha karada ni yokute,40 do gurai desu. Onseny jsou dobré pro tělo a mají kolem 40 stupňů.onsen
3条 sanjou cubedmath
大きい ookii big, large, greatadj, jlpt5
漁船 gyosen fishing boatmix
お日様 ohisama sluníčko (dětská řeč)mix
死に恥 shinihaji shameful deathmix
素晴らしい subarashii amazingadj
予定日はいつ? yoteibi haitsu ? scheduled date, expected dateai
打ち出の小槌 uchidenokoduchi figurative magic wandmix
手を挙げる tewoageru (1)to raise one's hand or hands, (2)to surrender, (3)to raise a hand to someone (as a threat to strike), (4)to improve ichidan, verb
理想の女性と結婚したい。 risou no josei to kekkon shitai. Chci si vzít ideální ženu.mix
連合軍 rengougun (WWII) the Allies, allied forcesmix
扇風機 senpuuki fandenki, uchi
学術 gakujutsu science, learning, scholarshipmix