Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
一日 tsuitachi first day of monthjlpt5, toki
少し sukoshi little, few, somethingjlpt5, leda1
入る hairu to enter, to join, to containgodan, jlpt5, verb
tsuki moonjlpt4
下げる sageru to hang, to let downichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
~日 ~nichi day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
女々しい memeshii zženštilý, změkčilýmix
女人 nyonin woman (arch.)hito, leda1
入口 iriguchi entrance, gate, approach, mouthjlpt5
九日 kokonoka nine days, the ninth day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
少しずつ sukoshizutsu little by littlemix
大ヒット daihitto big hit, popular item (e.g. movie, music)ongaku
一日 ichinichi whole dayjlpt5, leda1, toki
入れる ireru to put in, to take in, to bring in, to let inichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
八日 youka eight days, the eighth (day of the month)jlpt5, toki
入り口 iriguchi vchod, vjezdleda1
ko childhito, jlpt4
お八つ oyatsu snackryouri
juu (num) 10, tenjlpt5
上り nobori (1)ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb, (2)up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo), (n,adj-no) (3)northward (towards Tokyo) jlpt3
~月 ~gatsu month (of the year)jlpt5, toki
naka inside, middle, amongjlpt5
~か月 ~kagetsu month(s) (time interval)jlpt5, toki
kyuu ninejlpt5, mix
上がる agaru to go up, to risejlpt4
san (num) threejlpt5, mix
山川 sansen; yamakawa; yamagawa mountains and rivers; mountains and rivers; mountain riversmix
少しも sukoshimo anything of, not one bit (with negative sentence)jlpt3
hito man, person, human being, mankindhito, jlpt5
十七 juunana 17math