Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji やま mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical point
kanji なな 7
kanji おおきい big, large, great
kanji した under, below
kanji しょうテスト quiz, small test
kanji つち ground
kanji みっつ three
kanji はち eight
kanji つきひ čas, měsíce a dny
kanji おがわ brook
kanji どにち weekend, Saturday and Sunday
kanji おんな woman
kanji すくない few, a little
kanji ひとつき one month
kanji ~かげつ month(s) (time interval)
kanji すこし little, few, something
kanji あがる (1)to rise/to go up/to come up/to ascend/to be raised/ (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors)/to come in/to go in/ (3)to enter (a school)/to advance to the next grade/ (4)to get out (of water)/to come asho
kanji じょちゅう maid
kanji じんこう population
kanji ~ちゅう in (the middle of), within, during, while
kanji child
kanji じゅう (num) 10, ten
kanji さんじょう mountain top
kanji すこしずつ little by little
kanji ついたち first day of month