Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
きた northjlpt5, leda1
音響 おんきょう sound, noise, echo, acousticsongaku
ピアノ演奏家 ぴあのえんそうか pianistshigoto
かく each, every, either, respectively, severally; each, every, allmix
出し だし (1)(uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp), (2)pretext, excuse, pretense (pretence), dupe, front man ryouri
音符 おんぷ (1)musical note, note symbol, (2)phonetic symbol (inc. the kanji and kana-doubling symbols, vowel-lengthening symbol, etc.), (3)part of a kanji for which the role is primarily to represent the pron ongaku
分かれる わかれる (1)to branch/to fork/to diverge/ (2)to separate/to split/to divide/ (3)to disperse/to scatter/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, vintrans
四分 よんぷん 4 minutestoki
もの someone of that nature/someone doing that work; person (rarely used w.o. a qualifier)/(P); person (rarely used w.o. a qualifier)leda1
玉露 ぎょくろ (1)high-quality green tea, (2)(orig. meaning) jewel-like dewdrop mix