Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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元気な genkina welladj
西 niši westjlpt5
西口 nišiguči west exitryokou
夢精 musei wet dream, nocturnal emissionsuru
nani whatjlpt5
私の部屋はどれですか。 wataši no heja ha dore desuka. What is my room like?heya
小麦 komugi wheatmix
麦わら mugiwara wheat straw, barley strawmix
mugi wheat, barley, oat (oats)shokubutsu
猫車 nekoguruma wheelbarrowmix
何時 icu whenjlpt5
所在 šozai whereaboutssuru
居場所 ibašo whereabouts, place, locationmix
渦巻 uzumaki whirlpoolshizen
竜巻 tacumaki whirlwindtenki
širo whiteiro, jlpt5
白い široi whiteadj, iro, jlpt5
白雲 širakumo white clouds; white cloudstenki
後手 gote white player (shogi)Shogi
白ワイン širowain white wineryouri
一日 ičiniči whole dayjlpt5, leda1, toki
全体 zentai whole/entirety/whatever (is the matter)/(P)leda1
問屋 toija; ton'ja wholesale store; wholesale storemise
毒舌 dokuzecu wicked tongue, abusive languagebunpou, kaiwa
広い hiroi wideadj, jlpt5, leda1
家内 kanai wife (my)jlpt5, kazoku
根性 kondžou will-power, guts, temper, nature, spiritsuru
やる気 jaruki willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirationsjlpt3
気力 kirjoku willpower, energy, vitalitymix
勝ち kači win, victoryjlpt3
kaze windjlpt5, leda1, tenki
風雨 fuuu wind and rain/(P)leda1
風向 fuukou,kazamuki wind directionmix
風力 fuurjoku wind powermix
勝者 šouša winner, victormix
fuju winterjlpt5, leda1, toki
針金 harigane wiremix
才気 saiki wisdommix
名言 meigen wise sayingmix
魔女 madžo witchmix
声高 kowadaka with a loud voicemix
以外 igai with the exception ofjlpt4
以内 inai withinjlpt4
鬼才 kisai wizard, genius, great talentmix
ookami wolfdoubutsu
onna womanhito, jlpt5
女の人 onnanohito womanhito, leda1
女性 džosei womanhito, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
女人 njonin woman (arch.)hito, leda1
僕女 bokuonna woman who uses boku to refer to herselfmix
女っぽい onnappoi womanly, feminine, womanish, effeminateadj
hajaši woodleda1, shizen
木刀 bokutou wooden swordleda1, sensou
木食い虫 kikuimuši woodwormdoubutsu
羊毛 joumou wool/(P)adj, leda1
単語 tango word, vocabularybunpou, mix
言葉 kotoba word(s), phrase, language, speechjlpt5, leda1
仕事 šigoto work, job, occupationjlpt5, leda1, shigoto, suru
世界 sekai worldjlpt4, shizen
第二次世界大戦 dainidžisekaitaisen World War IImix
不安な fuan na worrisome, uneasyjlpt3
手首 tekubi wristhito, leda1
作家 sakka writershigoto
表記 hjouki writing (something), giving an address, declaration, inscribing on the face of, publishing (info), listing (prices), addressing (a package)suru
書き下ろし kakioroši writing something on commission, newly written textmix
願書 ganšo written application or petition, application formmix
焼き鳥 jakitori yakitori (chicken pieces grilled on a skewer)/(P)leda1
山形県 jamagataken Yamagata prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
山口県 jamagučiken Yamaguchi prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
山本 jamamoto Yamamotonamae
山梨県 jamanašiken Yamanashi prefecturenamae
大和時代 jamatodžidai Yamato period (300-550 CE)mix
toši yearjlpt3, jlpt4, toki
明後年 mjougonen year after nextjlpt3, toki
一昨年 ototoši year before lastjlpt5, toki
忘年会 bounenkai year-end partybaka
初夢 hacujume year's first dreammix
黄色 kiiro yellowiro, jlpt5
黄色い kiiroi yellowiro, jlpt5
~円 ~en yenjlpt5
昨日 kinou yesterdayjlpt5, toki
黄泉 jomi Yomi, underworldkami
kimi youjlpt4
若い wakai youngadj, jlpt5
老若 roudžaku; rounjaku young and old, all ages; young and old, all agesmix
男子 danši young manhito, leda1
若者 wakamono young man/youth/lad/(P)jlpt3
otouto younger brotherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
弟さん otoutosan younger brotherkazoku
妹さん imoutosan younger sisterkazoku
imouto younger sisterjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
rei zero, noughtjlpt5
動物園 doubucuen zoojlpt4
台所とトイレがあります。 daidokoro to toire ga arimasu. Má kuchyň i záchod.heya
分かりやすいです。 wakarijasui desu. Je to lehké na pochopení.mix
テスコで楽な椅子を買いました。 tesuko de raku na isu wo kaimašita. V Tescu jsem koupil pohodlnou židli.mix
本を読んでしまいたい。 hon wo jonde šimaitai. Chci dočíst knížku.mix
この仕事、私にやらせていただけませんか。 kono šigoto,wataši nijarasete itadakemasenka. Nechal byste mě tu práci udělat?mix
道が分かれる。 miči ga wakareru. Cesta se rozděluje.mix
目が空のように青いです。 me ga sora no jou ni aoi desu. Máš oči modré jako obloha.ai
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