Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji goukjuu crying aloud, lamentation, wailing
kanji mačinaka centrální část města
kanji kumori cloudy weather
kanji kindžouheika the reigning emperor, His Majesty the Emperor
kanji jawaragu to soften, to calm down, to be mitigated
kanji hou způsob
kanji karjoku heating power, steam power
kanji zentai whole/entirety/whatever (is the matter)/(P)
kanji umagoja stable
kanji hitogiki reputace, odezva
kanji šinšicu ventricle
kanji ičiri 2.44 miles
kanji šuukai meeting, assembly, gathering, congregation, convention, rally
kanji kenčidži prefectural governor
kanji ototoši year before last
kanji šigaku private (non-governmental) school (college, university)
kanji tookukara from a distance
kanji nigate na weak, uncomfortable, unable to take
kanji raiun thunder cloud
kanji oidasu to expel, to drive out
kanji bukkorošitejaru. I will beat you to death.
kanji madžime na one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; one's true character, one's true self, oneself, seriousness, earnestness; (adj-na,n) diligent, serious, honest, sober, grave,
kanji kingjosou snapdragon
kanji jumija bow and arrow; bow and arrow
kanji ongakueiga musical (film)