Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
思う人 omou hito člověk, na kterého myslímmix
mise shop, establishmentjlpt5, leda1, mise
辛い karai hotadj, jlpt5, ryouri
他方 tahou (1)one (esp. of two)/the other/one way/the other way/one direction/the other direction/one side/the other side/one party/the other party/(conj) (2)on the other hand/(P) adj, leda1
本名 honmyou real name; real namemix
ライオンの子 raionno子 lion cubdoubutsu
毎月 maitsuki every month, each month, monthlytoki
南東 nantou; minamihigashi southeast; southeastmix
~月 ~gatsu month (of the year)jlpt5, toki
一切 issai all/everything/without exception/the whole/entirely/absolutely/(P)leda1