Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
生かす ikasu (1)to make (the best) use of, to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.), to capitalise on (experience, etc), (2)to let live, to keep alive, (3)to revive, to resuscitate godan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
三日月 mikadzuki new moon, crescent moonleda1, shizen
kaze windjlpt5, leda1, tenki
金づち kanadzuči kladivoleda1
玉ねぎ tamanegi onion (edible plant, Allium cepa)mix
生ごみ namagomi kitchen wastemix
~円 ~en yenjlpt5
tama ballleda1
日中 niččuu den, během dneleda1, toki
ou kingleda1
一日 ičiniči whole dayjlpt5, leda1, toki
一日中、ゲームをしていた。 ičiničidžuu,ge-mu wo šiteita. I was playing games the whole day.mix
子犬 koinu puppydoubutsu, leda1
小川 ogawa brookleda1, shizen
ワゴン車 wagonša station wagonmix