Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
弟子 でし žák, učedníkgakkou, leda1
放す はなす to separate, to set free, to turn loosegodan, verb, vtrans
貝柱 かいばしら maso ze škebleleda1, ryouri
長野県 ながのけん Nagano prefecture (Chuubu area)namae
宿す やどす (1)to keep (guest), (2)to conceive, (3)to carry (virus), (4)to entrust godan, verb, vtrans
外国語 がいこくご foreign languagemix
談ずる だんずる (1)to talk, to discuss, to debate, (2)to negotiate vtrans
活用 かつよう (1)practical use, application, (2)(ling) conjugation, declension, inflection suru
さかな fishdoubutsu, jlpt5, leda1
寒気 さむけ chillbyouki
王子 おうじ princeleda1
化石 かせき zkamenělina, fosílieleda1
切り上げる きりあげる round upichidan, math, verb, vtrans
一つ ひとつ onejlpt5
母体 ぼたい matčino těloleda1
さち (1)good luck, fortune, happiness, (2)harvest, yield mix
旅行会社 りょこうがいしゃ travel agent, travel agencyryokou
春分の日 しゅんぶんのひ Vernal Equinox Holiday (Mar 20 or 21)toki
兄弟子 あにでし starší učedník, stoupenecleda1
真っ直ぐ まっすぐ (1)straight (ahead), direct, upright, erect, (2)straightforward, honest, frank mix
図工 ずこう (abbr) drawing and manual artsleda1
開く ひらく to open an eventgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
不注意な ふちゅういな nedbalý, nepozornýjlpt3
取り組む とりくむ to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come to grips with/to make effort/to strive for/to deal with/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
私学 しがく private (non-governmental) school (college, university)mix
手紙 てがみ letterjlpt5
入口 いりぐち entrance, gate, approach, mouthjlpt5
動力 どうりょく power, motive power, dynamic forcemix
電車に乗る でんしゃにのる to take a traingodan, verb