Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
仕える cukaeru to serve, to work for, to attendichidan, verb, vintrans
hoka other (esp. places and things)/the restadj, leda1
光子 kouši photonmix
天王星 tennousei Uranus (planet)mix
思う人 omou hito člověk, na kterého myslímmix
~語 ~go languagejlpt5
母親 hahaoja matkakazoku, leda1
七日 nanoka seven days, the seventh day of the monthjlpt5, toki
上手 kamite horní část, horní tokleda1
薬指 kusurijubi ring finger, third fingermix
合計 goukei celková sumaleda1
形見 katami memento, souvenirmix
州立大学 šuuricudaigaku state-run college, state universitymix
死去 šikjo deathleda1, suru
時計 tokei watch, clockdenki, jlpt5, leda1, uchi