Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
試みる こころみる to try, to testichidan, verb, vtrans
練る ねる (1)to knead, to work over, (2)to polish up (e.g. a plan), (3)to drill, to train godan, verb, vtrans
しお saltjlpt5, kagaku, ryouri
課題 かだい subject/theme/task/challenge/issue/matter/(P)jlpt3, leda1
鳴らす ならす to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
照れる てれる to be shy, to feel awkwardichidan, verb, vintrans
鼻のあな はなのあな nostrilhito
働き はたらき (1)work, labor, labour, (2)achievement, performance, ability, talent, (3)salary, income, earnings, (4)action, activity, workings, function, operation, movement, motion, (5)(ling) conjugation, inf jlpt3
~語 ~ご languagejlpt5
試練 しれん test, trial, probation, ordeal, tribulationmix