Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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単に tanni simply, merely, only, solelymix
歌手 kašu singerongaku, shigoto
自画自賛 džigadžisan singing one's own praises, praising one's own waressuru
歌声 utagoe singing voicemix
単数 tansuu singular numbermix
地点 čiten site/point on a map/spot/(P)leda1
六つ muccu sixjlpt5
六日 muika six days, sixth (day of month)jlpt5, toki
写生 šasei sketching, drawing from nature, portrayal, descriptionsuru
上手 džouzu skill, skillful, dexterityadj, jlpt5, leda1
眠気 nemuke sleepiness, drowsinessmix
寝台車 šindaiša sleeping car/sleeperryokou
眠い nemui sleepyadj, mix
手品 tedžina sleight of hand, conjuring trick, magic, jugglingmix
スロバキア語 surobakiago Slovakian (language), Slovakmix
小さな čiisana smalladj, jlpt4
小ちゃい čiičai small (babytalk form)adj
細かいお金 komakaiokane small changemix
小さい čiisai small, littleadj, jlpt5
笑顔 egao smiling facehito
juki snowjlpt5, tenki
白雪姫 širajukihime Snow Whitemix
雪のひとひら jukinohitohira snowflaketenki
雪だるま jukidaruma snowmanmix
社会 šakai societyjlpt4, leda1
先ほど sakihodo some time ago, not long ago, just nowmix
mono someone of that nature/someone doing that work; person (rarely used w.o. a qualifier)/(P); person (rarely used w.o. a qualifier)leda1
時々 tokidoki sometimesjlpt5
何か食べる物 nanika taberu mono someting to eatryouri
uta songjlpt5
直ぐ sugu soonjlpt3, toki
近々 čikadžika soon, nearness, before long; soon, nearness, before longmix
oto soundjlpt4, leda1, ongaku
minami southjlpt5
南米 nanbei South Americamix
南北 nanboku south and northmix
南口 minamiguči south exitryokou
南東 nantou; minamihigaši southeast; southeastmix
南西 nansei southwest; southwestmix
お土産 omijage souvenirjlpt4, ryokou
火花 hibana spark/(P)leda1
フライ返し furaigaeši spatulajlpt3
特別 tokubecu specialadj, jlpt3, jlpt4
大安売り oojasuuri special bargain salemix
分化 bunka specialization, specialisationsuru
特に tokuni speciallyjlpt3, jlpt4
調味料 čoumirjou spiceryouri
自立心 džiricušin spirit of self-reliance, feeling of independencemix
意気 iki spirit, heart, dispositionmix
ki spirit, mindjlpt4, leda1
お姫様 ohimesama spoiled girl, hothouse flower, princessmix
大の字に dainodžini sprawled, spread-eagled, in the shape of the "dai" kanjimix
haru springjlpt5, leda1, toki
正方形 seihoukei squareleda1, math
広場 hiroba squareleda1
安定 antei stability, equilibriumsuru
馬小屋 umagoja stableleda1
切手 kitte stampjlpt5, leda1
起立 kiricu standing upsuru
主食 šušoku staple foodmix
始動 šidou starting (in machines), activationsuru
eki stationjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
駅員 ekiin station attendant/(P)leda1, ryokou, shigoto
駅長 ekičou station master (rail)leda1, shigoto
ワゴン車 wagonša station wagonmix
汽車 kiša steam trainjlpt4, ryokou
汽船 kisen steamship, steamboat, steamersensou
赤えい akaei stingraydoubutsu
真っ直ぐの massuguno straightadj
直線 čokusen straight linemix
通り toori street, wayjlpt4, ryokou
čikara strength, powerjlpt4, leda1
画数 kakusuu stroke countbunpou
得意な tokui na strong, proud, smugjlpt3
力持ち čikaramoči strongmanleda1
学生 gakusei studentgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
史学 šigaku study of historygakkou
学科 gakka study subject, course of studygakkou
様式 joušiki style, form, patternmix
科目 kamoku subjectgakkou
主観的 šukanteki subjectivemix
部下 buka subordinate personshigoto
目下 mešita subordinate, subordinates, inferior, inferiors, junior; at present, nowshigoto
地下の čikano subterraneanshizen
地下道 čikadou subterranean tunnelmix
不意 fui sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseenmix
wa summath
nacu summerjlpt5, leda1, toki
夏休み nacujasumi summer vacation, summer holidayjlpt5, leda1, toki
日曜日 ničijoubi Sundayjlpt5, leda1, toki
日当たり hiatari sunny sideleda1
日光 nikkou sunshinetenki
目上 meue superior/superiors/senior/(P)jlpt3, jlpt3
迷信 meišin superstitionmix
夜食 jašoku supper/night meal/late-night snack/"fourth meal"/midnight snackleda1
表面 hjoumen surfacejlpt3, math
外科 geka surgical departmentbyouki
投降 toukou surrendersuru
白鳥 hakučou swandoubutsu
白酒 širozake sweet white sakeleda1
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