Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
今はそう思いません。 ima ha sou omoimasen. Už si to tak nemyslím.mix
館内 kannai inside buildingmix
円光 enkou halomix
金持ち kanemochi a rich personjlpt4
音楽 ongaku music, musical movementjlpt5, leda1, ongaku
お正月 oshougatsu New yearleda1, toki
全く mattaku úplně, zcelajlpt3, leda1
te handhito, jlpt5
争う arasou (1)to compete, to contest, to contend, (2)to quarrel, to argue, to dispute, to be at variance, to oppose, (3)(usu. in negative form) to deny (e.g. evidence) godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
電気機関車 denkikikansha electric locomotivemix