Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
点線 てんせん dotted line/perforated lineleda1
characterjlpt4, leda1
せん linejlpt4, ryokou
死守 ししゅ defending to the last/defending desperatelyleda1, suru
いけ pondjlpt5, leda1, shizen
聞き伝え ききつたえ hearsaymix
勝つ かつ to wingodan, jlpt4, sport, verb, vintrans
雨合羽 あめがっぱ raincoatfuku
料理方法 りょうりほうほう reciperyouri
軍事学校 ぐんじがっこう military schoolsensou
仕上げる しあげる to finish up/to complete/(P)ichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
I'm student of collage.kaiwa
打ち合わせ うちあわせ business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment, preparatory meetingshigoto, suru
収拾 しゅうしゅう control, settling, copingsuru
無理 むり unreasonable/impossible/overdoingjlpt3, jlpt4
長寿 ちょうじゅ longevitymix
利用 りよう use/utilization/utilisation/application/(P)jlpt3, jlpt4
場違い ばちがい out-of-place, inappropriate, sticking out like a sore thumbmix
詩的 してき poeticmix
たぐい (1)kind, sort, type, (2)equal, match, peer; kind, sort, class, family, genus mix
一兆 いっちょう 1,000,000,000,000, one trillion, one billion (obs. British)mix
川下 かわしも downstreamleda1, shizen
市役所 しやくしょ městský úřad, radniceleda1
実は じつは as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, franklyjlpt3
立てる たてる to raise, to set upichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
取り上げる とりあげる (1)to take up, to pick up, (2)to accept, to adopt, to listen to, (3)to disqualify, to confiscate, to deprive, (4)to adopt (child) ichidan, verb, vtrans
交える まじえる (1)to mix, to combine, (2)to exchange (words, fire, etc.), (3)to cross (e.g. swords), to join together ichidan, verb, vtrans
周り まわり surroundingsjlpt3, jlpt4
青葉 あおば svěží zelené listíleda1, shizen
うま味 うまみ (1)good flavor (flavour), good taste, deliciousness, (2)umami (fifth category of taste, corresponding to the flavour of glutamates), (3)skill, (4)profit mix