Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji seitou correct answer
kanji ukete (referring to a person) receiver, receiving side, viewer, listener
kanji kumitate construction/framework/erection/assembly/organization/organisation/(P)
kanji jishin sám (osobně)
kanji koji starý chrám, starodávný chrám
kanji mejirushi mark, sign, landmark
kanji hatsumei vynález
kanji jisei (1)passing away, death, (2)death poem (poem written during one's final moments)
kanji henshin reply
kanji hidari left hand side
kanji dekirudake (uk) as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possible
kanji hakken objev
kanji jishokei (ling) dictionary form
kanji gaikyoku force
kanji shashin photograph
kanji keisuu (math) coefficient, factor, proportional constant
kanji hisashiburi after a long time, long time (no see)
kanji hin'i grace/dignity/grade/nobility/quality/(P)
kanji aku to open (e.g. a festival)
kanji mannaka uprostřed, prostředek
kanji mihon vzorek
kanji tenpura tenpura
kanji uriage amount sold, sales, proceeds, takings
kanji koukou harbor entrance, harbour entrance
kanji migi right hand side