Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
二分音符 にぶおんぷ half note, minimongaku
中身 なかみ contents, interior, substancejlpt3, leda1
わたし I (informal)jlpt5
西 にし westjlpt5
あと afterwards, since then, in the futurejlpt5, toki
水泳 すいえい swimmingjlpt4, leda1, sport
聞こえる きこえる audible, can hearichidan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vintrans
乙女 おとめ young lady, little girl, virgin, maiden, daughterkazoku
れい (1)custom, practice, habit, usual, (2)instance, example, case, illustration, usage, (3)precedent; (4)custom, practice, habit, usual, (5)said, aforementioned, (6)instance, example, case, illustra mix
十四 じゅうよん 14math
聞き取り ききとり náslech, poslechleda1
細部 さいぶ detailsmix
からす crowdoubutsu
Nemoc se šíří.mix